Sunday, 23 February 2014

Season 2013 Review Part 4: The Final Self-Flagellation

Season 2013 has been over now for 5 months. Yet, the memories of humiliation remain fresh in the memory. That final dismal display against the Crows on a wet Saturday night in August feels like just yesterday. Remember Selwood and Embley did a lap of honour? Worsfold said a few words to the crowd, which turned out to be his final words? 

Thankfully the new season is nearly upon us, which will, if not permanently delete last year from our minds, will at least submerge it behind new hopes and dreams.

But for one final time, here are my last 3 predictions before last year:

3. The Eagles Record Will be...

 Source: Footywire

Initially I selected us to win our first 10, but I don't think that's realistic. 9 of 10, on the other hand, is completely reasonable. I think we have a fairly decent draw in the sense that besides our first 2 outings we play plenty of (theoretically) non-finals teams. We do have a difficult run in to end the season but at that point I'm hoping that most of the currently wounded are back and playing well. Due to the imbalance in the fixture, I wouldn't want us to lose any more than 3 games (at worst) in the first 10 to truly establish ourselves in the top 4. 'Any given Sunday' and all that, but if we beat who would should beat then we'll be in good shape with a record of 16-6.

Oh yes, just a mere 9 out of 10. Easy as that huh? The guy that wrote that was an idealistic fool. He is no more. I will abstain from making similarly outlandish predictions this year. But everything started well enough last year. I mean the first quarter against the Dockers anyway. I remember us kicking the first few goals and sitting on the couch with a smug look on my face. I thought we were about to embark upon a thrashing of the Dockers despite our missing stars. Of course, the 3rd quarter happened and we never really recovered. I also remember being excited heading to the Hawks clash. That was depressing. We ended up losing 9 games at home. I think our number 1 mission this season is rebuilding a strong home ground advantage. In addition to, well, not being completely rubbish.

2. And the Eagles will be...

On the basis of that rough prediction we should sneak into the top 4.  In terms of when our season ends it all depends on Home finals and the form of other teams. But, injuries permitting of course, I see us going 1 better than last year and making the Prelim. I don't rule out a Grand Final appearance or Premiership chance, but we haven't played 1 game yet and I'm not that bold.

Obviously, not quite the top 4. Not quite prelim. material. Or finals. Or anything resembling respectability. There isn't much to say really.

1.  If the Eagles lose both derbies than I will change this into a Dockers blog for 1 week.
I really hope not, because besides that being a doomsday scenario for the team's prospects and the supporters' pride, it would be far too much work for me. Of course, we will win this Saturday making this prediction meaningless.

Well when I made that prediction I was clearly under the mistaken apprehension that we were a quality side. I was also under the mistaken apprehension that the Dockers wouldn't be such a quality side. Mistakes were made. I didn't change this into a Dockers blog because nobody can make me do that; not you, not the courts, not even an arrogant pre-season prediction made by me.


In other news, we destroyed the Dockers. It was fun.